
Casino roulette

Casino roulette

Casino roulette is largely divided into American roulette and European roulette. Each roulette has a table with numbers from 0 to 36.

In European roulette, there are numbers from 0 to 36, of which 0 is a colorless ‘Green’ and 먹튀검증

the rest belong to either ‘Red’ or ‘Black’. Betting can be made on red or black, even or odd, and 1-18 or 19-36.

In American roulette, like European roulette, there are numbers from 0 to 36, of which 0 and 00

are marked as ‘green’. Betting can be made on red or black, even or odd, and 1-18 or 19-36.

To start the game, you must first buy a chip, which is used for all bets on the table. At the end of the bet, the dealer will rotate the wheel of the roulette and throw the ball.

If the ball stays at a number, the player who bets on that number wins by multiple of the amount he bets.

Casino Roulette offers a variety of betting options

with different winning and dividend rates for each bet.

Straight Bet: Betting on a Single Number, Lowest Win Rate But Highest Dividend Rate. For example, if you bet on the number 7 and win, you get a dividend rate of 35 times.

Split Betting: Betting on Two Numbers, You Can Win When One Of The Two Numbers You Bet On. For example, if you bet on a line between 1 and 2, you can win if you get 1 or 2. Winning rate is higher than straight betting, but dividend rate is lower.

Street Betting: Betting on three numbers in a row, and you can win if one of the three numbers you bet on comes out. For example, if you bet 1, 2, 3, you can win if you get one of 1, 2, 3.

Corner Betting: Betting on Four Numbers


You Can Win If One Of The Four Numbers You Bet On. For example, if you bet on one, two, four, five, you can win if you get one, two, four, five.

Line Betting: Betting on 6 numbers across 2 lines, you can win if you get one of the 6 numbers you bet on. For example, if you bet on the 1-6 line, you can win if you get one of the 1-6.

Color Betting: Betting on Red or Black, you can win if the color you bet on comes out. The winning rate is 1:1, and the dividend rate is the same.

Even/Hole Betting: Betting on an even or odd number, where you can win if you get an even or odd number of bets. The winning rate is 1:1, and the dividend rate is the same.